Journaling to reach your potential!
Erica Gilliams Erica Gilliams

Journaling to reach your potential!

Journaling your Way to Massive Action Success

Journaling is just one way of tracking your actions and successes, and yes, even your setbacks and failures. It also keeps your goal right in front of your face so you keep on top of taking action steps each and every day. It keeps all your ideas and revelations in one place so you can go back and review whenever you want. For example, if you are having trouble getting motivated one day because you feel like you’ve been working hard, but making little progress, going back into your goal journal is a wonderful way to help you see that all of those little actions really are paying off in a big way.

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4 Things Fulfilled People Do That YOU Don’t
Erica Gilliams Erica Gilliams

4 Things Fulfilled People Do That YOU Don’t

Although having enough to provide for your family is less stressful, people who are happy in life don’t care much about money. When people become obsessed with money, they can usually obtain it. But, it doesn’t lower their stress. In fact, the obsession often raises stress because it becomes the sole focus.

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Challenging Life For Inner Peace.
Erica Gilliams Erica Gilliams

Challenging Life For Inner Peace.

By the time I finish writing this article I am going to need peace my self. Writing is a journey that sometimes like life is frustrating. The career of writing like life put demands, stress, and sweat from hard work on persons, while giving little in return. If you believe that last remark, let me tell you another one.

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30 Journal Prompts  September 2020 
Erica Gilliams Erica Gilliams

30 Journal Prompts  September 2020 

8. If money was no object, what would you be doing in your life?

9. What makes you excited about the future?

10. In detail, describe your perfect day.

11. Is there someone you have to forgive?

12. Do you currently hold any grudges?

13. What current areas of your life need working on?

14. What was the highlight of your day?

15. How do you feel right this moment?

16. What do you need more of in your life?

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Treating Stress and Anxiety
Erica Gilliams Erica Gilliams

Treating Stress and Anxiety

Anxiety disorder is an umbrella term for various specific forms of fear and anxiety including generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), panic disorder, phobias, obsessive-compulsive disorder, post traumatic stress disorder and separation anxiety. Generalized anxiety disorder commonly affects older adults and is characterized by enduring anxiety that really doesn't seem to be about any certain subject, topic or concern. The anxiousness in this case is continuous and makes daily life difficult.

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To Trust or Not To Trust.
Erica Gilliams Erica Gilliams

To Trust or Not To Trust.

Lack of clarity about expectations, fear of revealing mistakes and not feeling safe to ask questions can all undermine trust. Be honest and clear in conversations and meetings and make sure everyone is clear on what was agreed. Make it clear that it’s always appropriate to stop and recalibrate when necessary.

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