Resiliency and Positive Thinking
Erica Gilliams Erica Gilliams

Resiliency and Positive Thinking

The connection between positive thinking and resilience is clear. The more positively we think, the more resilient we become. Our goal then should be to find ways to implement and practice positive thinking in our daily lives. Reframing, practicing gratitude, and embracing hopefulness and optimism are just a few of many ways to implement positive thinking in our lives.

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A Proactive Mindset Versus a Reactive One.
Erica Gilliams Erica Gilliams

A Proactive Mindset Versus a Reactive One.

Let’s be clear, there is nothing inherently bad about being reactive. It has a purpose to serve and when you’re in survival mode, a reactive mindset will protect you from harm. Your brain and body react automatically when faced with a fight or flight response. So, don’t be too quick to dismiss the power of a reactive mindset.

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How To Be Proactive For Your Own Success.
Erica Gilliams Erica Gilliams

How To Be Proactive For Your Own Success.

How do you respond to the unexpected? Do you lose your temper and blame everyone else and the circumstances surrounding the event? Does that come with a secret hope that someone else will step in to save the day?

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10 Resilience Power Words
Erica Gilliams Erica Gilliams

10 Resilience Power Words

Adversity is inevitable, so learning to accept and embrace it is essential to developing resilience and navigating challenges well. Those who are resilient accept difficulties as a part of life and spend their time and energy learning to adapt to the adversity rather than fighting it or running from it. The choice to lean into the discomfort and embrace it ultimately helps people better deal with and bounce back from the hardships they face

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Practical Ways to Begin Trusting Yourself
Erica Gilliams Erica Gilliams

Practical Ways to Begin Trusting Yourself

We need to build trust – now, more than ever. In a world where it seems that nothing is what it appears to be, we need to reassert the centrality of trust in human life. And while we can’t change the world overnight, we can start with ourselves right now.

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5 Ways to Get Motivated, Today.
Erica Gilliams Erica Gilliams

5 Ways to Get Motivated, Today.

Losing motivation? It happens to the best of us. But there are tricks to staying motivated, many of which involve taking a hard look at your goals. With a little preparation and solid planning, there’s no reason why you can’t stay motivated all the way through whatever project you’ve set out for yourself.

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  Understanding Depression
Erica Gilliams Erica Gilliams

Understanding Depression

Depression oftentimes can easily get in the way of an individuals daily activities and his or hers normal functions, one’s zest for life can quickly and easily dissipate due to depression. And in place of an individuals sunny disposition is more or less a person who hates his or herself, having no self-confidence, trying to isolate ones self from the world and basically just not caring about living any more.

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Teens & Mental Health
Erica Gilliams Erica Gilliams

Teens & Mental Health

Dealing with stress can be difficult because it is the byproduct of everyday life and situations. One confusing thing regarding stress is that the symptoms connected to it do not always follow immediately the cause of it. Another trouble about stress is that some may experience it and others do given the same kind of situation. One ideal thing to do when faced with stress is to learn to cope.

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