30 Journal Prompts  September 2020 

Journaling should be easy and simple. If you are stuck try these out. Watch my Youtube for upcoming videos about journaling and the amazing benefits. More journaling prompts are featured in my Depression Workbook. Use code BLM25 it get 25% TODAY.

 1.    List something good that has recently caught your attention to make you realize how fortunate you are.

2.    Think about the traits of the people you admire. List these traits and how you can use them in your life.

3.    List 3 people and/or things you feel that you take for granted. How can you express more appreciation for these things or people?

4.    What friends are you most grateful for having? List what makes each friend special.

5.    List 3 things you could do today to be a kinder person.

6.    Who are the people that first come to mind that don’t have it as good as you do?

 7.    Think of 3 stereotypes that do not have it as good as you (sick children, homeless people, the disabled, elderly, war victims etc). What could you do to help people in these situations?

 8.    Name 3 things that always put a smile on your face.

 9.    What is the most beautiful place you have been to? Relive being in this place now.

 10.What are your biggest accomplishments?

 11.What do you really appreciate about your life?

12.Name 3 things that you can start doing today to express your gratitude to others? (helping, volunteering, donating etc). Start doing it in the next few days.

13.What does it mean to be good enough, and how do you know that you are?

14.What did you really love doing as a kid but don’t really do anymore? What is stopping you from doing it now, and what would happen if you did?

If you could, what is the one thing you would change about your past?

15.What makes you feel happy to be alive, and how can you make more of that every day?

16.What truth have you been refusing to admit to yourself and how could you face it?

17.What three things could you give up that would give you more time, energy, and peace?

18.What does your ideal day look like? Be specific.

19.List something good that has recently caught your attention to make you realize how fortunate you are.

20.Think about the qualities of the people you admire. List these qualities and how you can incorporate them in your life.

21.List 3 people and/or things you feel that you take for granted. How can you express more appreciation for these things or people?

22.What friends are you most grateful for having? List what makes each friend special.

23.List 3 things you could do today to be a kinder person.

 24.Who are the people that first come to mind that don’t have it as good as you do

25.Think of 3 stereotypes that do not have it as good as you (sick children, homeless people, the disabled, elderly, war victims etc). What could you do to help people in these situations?

26.Name 3 things that always put a smile on your face.

27.What is the most beautiful place you have been to? Relive being in this place now.

28.What are your biggest accomplishments?

29.What do you really appreciate about your life?

30.Name 3 things that you can start doing today to express your gratitude to others? (helping, volunteering, donating etc). Start doing it in the next few days.


All It Takes Is A Little Confidence In Yourself.


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